fbpx Tutorial - How to Remove Watermark from Video using Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI | PixBim

Tutorial - How to Remove Watermark from Video using Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI

Watermarks are great for copyrighting your personal content; they save you from identity theft. However, sometimes you download videos that have watermarks, making it impossible for you to use them. Or maybe it’s not a watermark but an object or text that you cannot have in your video



Also, many apps like Tiktok, Reddit, and others automatically include their watermark in your video. This makes it difficult for you to upload your content on different platforms, as the built-in watermark video takes away the aesthetic that is crucial to your video.

The easiest gateway out of this situation that comes to our minds is using a blur tool to remove watermarks or unnecessary objects. Simply select the area and brush it off, so the logo or object isn't visible. Sounds easy and convenient, right? But doesn't that actually ruin the overall look and quality of the video and negate the purpose of removing the watermark?

So, How to Remove a Watermark From Video?

Well, you need not worry because there are many easy-to-use watermark removal programs available. The best software can make an icon, logo, or object totally vanish from the video. You can remove watermark from video using these tools in just a few simple steps.

Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI is just one of these best software programs, showcasing remarkable AI technology that gives your video a professional outlook. It’s to remove watermark from video Reddit or other platforms; you can do it all. Let's look at the latest watermark remover software and how it works!


What Is Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI?

A watermark removal software program allows you to remove watermarks from videos effortlessly. You can find many such tools offline and online that promise to remove watermark from video online. However, most online tools are ineffective and unsafe, while offline programs are challenging to use and expensive as most of them are subscription-based.

remove watermark from video software

On the other hand, there is Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI, an AI-based watermark remover. With a simple-to-use program like Pixbim, any layman can complete this daunting task within an instant. It is compatible with PCs and laptops, uses no internet, and is an efficient way to remove unnecessary and distracting objects such as logos, icons, or even small furniture from the background. The video watermark remover software has integrated AI technology which helps it clearly remove the object without disturbing the quality of the video.

You can remove elements like logos, phrases, watermarks, icons, contact information, and others that detract from the aesthetic quality of your content. Simply use the manual brush feature of the software to identify the watermark or object you wish to remove and brush it away! The advanced AI technology fills in the pixels on the brushed area to restore the quality of the video.


Tutorial: How Do You Remove Watermarks?

So, How to remove watermark from video ?  How to remove watermark from video online ?

Using online apps to remove watermarks can be quite infuriating; the consistent ads popping up and the time taken for loading a video is pretty long, and let’s not forget the amount of data these apps consume. In comparison to that, desktop software is a much better option. With zero ads disrupting your watermark removal process, they can smoothly function without using the internet at all.

In this manner, the Pixbim watermark removal software is helpful for beginners or those who have no idea how to edit videos. It is a powerful watermark remover with an easy UI that works quickly without compromising the video's quality. You can conveniently load your video and gain the ideal output you are looking for.

First, go to the official Pixbim website and install the AI-based watermark remover software on your desktop if you don’t already have it. Next, follow these 6 simple steps to remove watermark from video:


Step1: Load the video

Open the software on your PC or laptop. Click the "load video" icon on the upper right corner of the dashboard. A dialogue box will appear and allow you to select the video from which you want to remove the watermark. You can also do this step by simply dragging the video from the file location to the working space on the software display.

Click on Load Video

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Select Input Video and click on the Open button

remove watermark from video reddit

Input video loaded into the software.

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After uploading the video, there will be two different versions of the same video. One will show the changes you made, and the other will showcase the original version so you can compare the two as you work.


Step2: Brush the Watermark

Using the brush tool, completely cover all the space of the watermark. You can adjust the brush size as per your choice from the brush length option.

Adjust the Brush length and brush on the Watermark

remove watermark from video reddit

Set the Processing Speed

Before diving into the renewal process, adjust the 'Processing Speed' slider. It is recommended to keep it at 0 ('0' is the default value) for accurate removal of the watermark; however, the slider can also be increased to speed up the process and it is not recommended other than '0'. The default is '0'.

Set Processing speed

remove watermark from video reddit


Step3: Start the Removal Process and Save the Video

Click on the "Start the Renewal Process and Save the Video" icon. A dialogue box will automatically open, and you can save your file in the desired file location on your desktop. Now your video is ready to be processed. You will then see the frame-by-frame process of the watermark extraction. This is how to remove watermark from video Reddit.

Click on “Start Removal Process and Save the Video”.

remove watermark from video reddit

Extracting input video frames.

remove watermark from video reddit

Progress bar showing the progress of the Input video

remove watermark from video reddit

Output Video Path

Once the progress bar hits 100%, your video is now completely watermark-free. Now, you can see your output video path in the red-marked area in the image below.

The below image shows the output video path

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What options does Pixbim's AI-based Watermark Remover Software have?

Now, let's take a closer look at each of the features of Pixbim's Video Watermark Remover, so you can see how this powerful tool can help you effortlessly remove watermarks from your videos while preserving their quality.


The "File" option allows you to perform various file-related actions, such as opening or importing files into the software,

File - Open

The "Open" option in the "File" menu allows you to select and load a video file from a designated folder on your desktop or laptop into the Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI program.

The Screenshot highlights how to access a file option in Pixbim Object Remover AI


File - Exit

The "Exit" option in the "File" menu lets you close the Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI program and exit it completely.

The Screenshot highlights how to access a file option exit. The Purpose of File Exit is to basically exit from the Pixbim Object Remover Software


Export Video

The Screenshot highlights how to access a export Video Option. The Purpose of export Video is to partially save the output

The "Export Video" option allows you to save a portion of the video while the removal process is running, you can see how the video is coming out.

(Note, that this option should only be selected after clicking the "Start Removal Process and Save the Video" button located at the lower right corner of the screen.)



The Screenshot highlights how to access a Help Option in Pixbim Object Remover AI

The "Help" option in our Pixbim Watermark Remover typically provides access to features like License Activation, online tutorials, software version, etc., that can assist users in using the software effectively. It is a useful tool for troubleshooting issues, learning new features, and getting assistance with technical problems.


License Activation

The "License Activation" option in Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI allows you to activate the software using the license key that you received via email.

The Screenshot highlights option called Licence Activation. Licence Activation is the important step before working with Pixbim Object Remover AI and user can see the status of activation as well

Once activated, a dialog box will confirm that the software has been successfully activated.


Online Tutorial

The Screenshot highlights option called online Tutorial.Users can access the blogs related to Pixbim Object Remover AI and how to use it. This option directly opens the tutorial and guide the users to use the Pixbim software

The "Online Tutorial" option in Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI directs you to our website where you can learn how to use the software with a step-by-step guide. This resource can help you gain a better understanding of how to use the program's features and tools effectively.


Need Another Frame to Brush on the Text / Watermark as the previous frame has no Text / Watermark

The Screenshot highlights option called online Need Another Frame to Brush on the Text / Watermark as the previous frame has no Text / Watermark .This button allows you to select a new frame in the input video to apply the brush stroke and remove the watermark

This button allows you to select another frame in the input video to apply the brush stroke and remove the watermark because some frames might not have the watermark. It's important to note that you only need to apply the brush stroke to only one frame containing the watermark.


Erase all the brush Strokes

This button allows you to erase all the previous brush strokes after brushing on the area to be removed. It erases all the previous brush strokes.

The Screenshot shows earse all the brush strokes which enables to remove all the brushing applied on the Logo


You can the result after clicking the button. The brushed stroke marks on the logo are completely removed after clicking the option "Erase all the Brush Strokes"

The Screenshot shows earse all the brush strokes which enables to remove all the brushing applied on the Logo


Undo Stroke only once button

This button allows you to remove the previous brush stroke when removing a watermark. This is useful if you make a mistake and want to undo it without affecting the other brush strokes you've made.

The Screenshots highlights the 'Undo Stroke Only once' button  allows you to remove the previous brush stroke when removing a watermark.


After using the "undo Stroke only once" button, you will notice that the brush marks disappear or removed.

The Screenshots shows the result of after clicking undo brush stroke only once


Open the Folder that has Output Video

The Screenshots highlights the button which can open the output from the path file it has been saved in the computer/Laptop. The Purpose is user dont want spend time in traversing to the destination folder. It saves a lot of time

This feature allows you to easily view the folder, where your output video is saved, as well as the input video. It's important to note that this feature does not load the input video into the software, it's simply for viewing the folder.


Stop Processing Video

The "Stop Processing Video" button provided by Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI allows users to terminate or stop the process of removing watermarks from videos

Stop Processing Video


The "Pause" button on the right side below the 'Processing speed' slider in the Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI Software lets you stop the process of removing watermarks from videos so you can pause it and restart it later.Pause Button to stop removing Watermark from Video


The "Restart" button in the Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI allows users to resume the process of removing video watermark from where they left off.Restart button to resumes removing Watermark from Video


Features of Pixbim's AI-based Watermark Remover Software

Pixbim has a smart and unique algorithm that can amazingly cover the removal space using its advanced machine-learning technology. Bringing ease for all, it is technically designed to be used by anyone. The AI algorithm on the backend can easily detect and adjust accordingly without you having to crop, paste or adjust. Let's look at more exciting features the software has for its users.

No Need for Prior Skills

Watermarks on videos can be successfully removed with the help of this free batch watermark remover. You don't need special training or professional experience to utilize the tools. In just a few clicks, it produces reliable results.

No Empty Spaces

This remove watermark from video software and does not leave any empty spaces; it automatically fills the brushed area. The cutting-edge technology makes it look like the watermark was not even there in the first place.

Remove any Object

Be it a subtitle, a distracting icon, or any object you don't want in your video, Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI can remove it. Just select the undesired object, and brush it off with the tool. Your video will be completely error-free!

Make Changes without Restarting

With a frame-to-frame extraction feature, this software allows users to see if any part of the watermark has been missed. So that you can pause the process, cover the missing part and continue with the renewal process without restarting or opening the project again.

Compatibility with Various Video Formats

Online apps don't have the capability to upload different types of videos, making you go through the tiring process of converting the video into an applicable format. However, Pixbim's versatile software can effortlessly read all popular video formats, including MP4, MKV, MOV, WMV, 3GP, FLV, AVI, MPG, M4V, and more.

Complete Video Editor without a Watermark

This tool also serves as an effective video editor without a watermark that doesn't apply its own watermark when saving your video.

No-Risk of Data Theft

Since Pixbim is a desktop-based program, it is designed to be used without the Internet. With no internet, any video loaded on the software isn't stored on Pixbim's cloud storage or a server. Whatever video you load, the data will be secure on your own laptop or PC.

Pixbim is an excellent choice for everyone stuck on removing watermarks thanks to its easy-to-use interface which consistently produces superior results. You may quickly and easily remove watermarks with just a few clicks. The entire watermark removal procedure is simple and rapid.

Even those with no prior computer experience can quickly use it. Since the editing program will always be accessible on your computer, you can modify your video whenever you choose. It has a user-friendly interface that is easier to use, making it ideal for novice or less tech-savvy customers.


How Do You Remove A Watermark Without Losing Quality?

Re-editing a video always comes with the fear of losing video quality. Processing a video multiple times can result in distortion of the pixels, producing a low-quality output. However, that is not the case with Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI. With this software, you can remove watermarks or unnecessary objects without losing the video's original quality.

It offers frame-by-frame extraction of video for better removal without messing with the backdrop visuals. To get the best results, make sure to adjust the processing bar before the removal takes place.

  • Adjust the processing bar to 1 so that quality is not disrupted. If the video is longer, it will take longer to process, but you won't lose the quality of the video.

  • The lower the bar is, the better the quality will be, and the greater the bar will be, the less time will be consumed. However, this may compromise the video's quality, so choose wisely.


How Do I Remove A Watermark from A Video Clearly?

Retouching a watermark is sometimes your only option for returning a video to its original state. The only option if you lose the original video and have a copy with a watermark on it is to remove the watermark using various apps.

Many online apps have automatic removal options, which can give inaccurate results. This is why Pixbim has a unique feature that lets you clearly remove the watermark. It has a brush tool that you can use to select the desired removal area. For better and more precise removal, follow these instructions:

  • Adjust the brush size as per the requirement of the logo, watermark, or icon stamp.

  • Keep an eye on the video during the processing phase; if there is inaccuracy in removal, pause the video. Select the brush tool and cover all the areas of the icon or object.

  • Avoid brushing excess areas as unnecessary removal might occur, and the quality will be disturbed.

Undo Brush stroke options

remove watermark from video reddit

This software has a unique feature - you can stop mid-process if the watermark has not entirely been brushed. Hence, you won't have to start from scratch. To stop processing, simply click the icon. Select the missed region by clicking the brush tool and click process video to get your watermark-free video!


Lowest Cost, Maximum Benefits with No Subscription Required

Simply search around, and you will see that Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI is one of the few tools that offer accurate removal options yet is reasonably priced. It handles the removal process smoothly and at the lowest cost.

For $25.99, you may easily acquire the software for life without a monthly or yearly subscription. By making a single payment, you will also be able to access free software updates, updated technology, and high-quality work without having to worry about costs!

Pixbim also offers you 7 days of free use of the software, during which time you can use all its features. During this time, you are free to process an infinite number of videos and determine whether or not this software is ideal for you.


The Bottom Line: How to Remove Watermark from Video Software?

Many helpful features are included in the software, including the capability to remove watermarks from videos easily.

Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI watermark-free video editor can import various file types, including MP4, MOV, and others, thanks to its cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interface.

You don't have to learn any new skills, hire professionals, or use apps full of ads to remove watermark from video. In just a few steps, you will get your hands on a clear and accurate video. Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI is simple, easy to use, and does not require any prior knowledge – so what are you waiting for? Visit Pixbim right now to get your hands on this remarkable software.


Our Recommendation for Better Output 

1. Use a Single CPU core for better output - Default:

Using more than one CPU core for parallel processing can result in bad result and possible flickering, it will increase RAM usage as well. To avoid potential performance issues, it's recommended to use Single core CPU core. To do this, enable the "use Single CPU core" option and click the "Start" button at the lower right corner.

The Screenshots shows how to use use single cpu core for optimum results


2. Keep the 'Processing speed' slider to '0' for best results:

It's recommended to use the slowest processing speed of '0' to avoid bad results. With faster speed, the program runs quickly but doesn't remove the watermark.

The Screenshots shows processing speed at 0 which means slower the processing speed better the results





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