How to remove TikTok watermark

Do you ever wonder about all those people who are posting stuff on the internet, especially TikTok videos on their WhatsApp status, TikTok songs and so much more, but there is always one problem? Every one of those videos has an annoying mark stuck to it and you want to remove the TikTok watermark. Now consider you share something, every time people see you have a new post, but it's not yours it's with TikTok's logo. Covering content on the screen can be the other reason too. It hides away what you are trying to show to the world.
Are you worried about it too? Wanting to remove the watermark from TikTok, we understand it can be annoying, and even more than that it can show users that the content is copied. Keep reading because we will tell you how to remove TikTok watermark.
Searching to remove the watermark from the TikTok video?
Time and again we also scratched our heads about this problem and came down with a simple solution why not formulate something that does its magic and makes the whole process easy? Let's see what we have in store for you! You will be surprised for sure!
Software to remove the TikTok watermark?
Now we know the problem, we need to break down a solution for it. What in the world can do to remove the watermark from TikTok.
Probably a video editing software can do that, but which one? You are looking for how to remove watermarks from TikTok videos.
you will come across a lot of TikTok watermark remover online. Too much to see and choose from, sometimes less is more as it eases formulating and taking a decision.
But don't worry we have made software which serves a purpose and makes your job even easier. Introducing something world-class and never experienced before Pixbim video watermark remover AI. It is an offline software program that removes Watermarks/Logos from dynamic videos.
Let's see some of the benefits of using Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI,
It removes watermarks/Logos from any Videos
No Monthly Subscription Fee
Regular Free Upgrades
One Time Pay and Life Time usage.
It is User-friendly and no prior knowledge is needed.
It is easy to use, and users will feel like the job is done within seconds
Pixbim program provides a 7-day free trial version where users can try and learn how to remove the watermark from TikTok for free and make the buying decision.
Easy access and there is no need for any passwords and credentials.
Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI Software works so effortlessly that you won't feel any burden while remove of tiktok watermark video, So how do we exactly do it? and that too exclusively for TikTok. This software eases down the process of removing the watermark from TikTok.
How can I remove a TikTok watermark from a video?
Let's see a brief tutorial on how to remove tiktok watermark using Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI.
Step 1: Load the video
The first and foremost step is to Load the video into our Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI. you need to click on 'Load video' on the top right side corner of the below screenshot or you can drag and drop the input video into the software.
Select the Video from your target folder.
Locate the video stored on your computer, choose it, and upload it to the software.
Video loaded successfully in Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI
After loading the video, both the input window and processing window (Output) in the software appear similar, as shown in the screenshot below. From this point onward, you can proceed with making the desired changes.
Step 2: Select the Watermark
Use the 'Brush Length' slider to adjust the brush size as per the size of the watermarks/Logos in the video. Apply the brush strokes over the Watermarks/Logos to remove them effectively as indicated below in the screenshot.
Step 3: Click 'Start Removal Process and Save the Video'
After the brushing strokes on the watermark, you need to start the removal process by clicking the ' Start Removal Process and Save the Video' button located in the bottom right corner which is shown in the below screenshot.
Save the video on the preferred Location
After clicking the 'Start Removal Process and Save the Video' button, you will see a pop-up opens that allows you to save the file anywhere on your computer, you can select the desired location and click the save button.
That's it. TikTok Watermark Removal Process is initiated.
On the left-hand side, you can see the watermark marked in the red box, while on the right-hand side in the 'Processing Window', you can observe the watermark being removed frame by frame. The orange line in the progression bar at the top indicates the progress of the removal process. Refer to the screenshot below for visual reference
Watermark Removal Process Completed: Access the Output Video
Once the orange line is filled up to 100%, it means that the video processing is complete. and you have your well-edited video. Access it by clicking the 'Download Icon'.
Additional Options on Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI
Brush Length and Processing Speed
Brush Length and Processing speed are two important things that our software has, The power that this provides is extreme.
The 'Processing Speed' refers to how quickly the Watermark Removal Process takes place. If you want to expedite the process, you can increase the value using the 'Processing Speed' slider. However, it's important to note that adjusting the speed will impact the accuracy of the watermark removed from the TikTok video. Conversely, if accuracy is paramount, you may opt for a slower processing speed by making the 'Processing Speed' Slider at '0'. In the Below screenshot, you can the 'Processing Speed' Slider at '0' which means one can achieve more accurate results.
The 'Brush Length' is a crucial feature that allows you to apply brush strokes. It is an important step before starting to remove watermark from tiktok video. Brush Length can be adjusted based on the size of the watermark/Logo in the video. Using the 'Brush Length' slider, you can increase or decrease the size of the brushing area. Moving the slider to the right will increase the brushing area while moving it to the left will decrease it. In the screenshot above, the user has selected a Brush Length value of '25' based on the size of the Watermark/Logo.
The 'Help' menu in Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI provides users with a range of resources and support options to assist them in using the software effectively.
Here is a description of the typical features and options you may find in the 'Help' menu:
1) License Activation:
This option helps you activate your software license. It typically guides you through the process of entering your license key and unlocking all the features and functionalities of the latest Pixbim Video Watermark Remover software.
2) Online Tutorial:
Choosing this option directs us to our official website blog section for getting access to the instructional guide. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to use Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI effectively.
3) About:
The 'About' option provides basic information about the software version.
4) Use Single CPU Core (Recommended)
We recommend selecting this option which limits the software to utilize only a single CPU core for video processing. This option can be useful if you want to prioritize stability over performance or if you have specific system requirements.
5) Use all the CPU Cores:
This option allows you to utilize all available CPU cores on your computer when processing videos. By selecting this option, the software takes advantage of the maximum processing power of your CPU, resulting in faster video watermark removal.
6) Use half of the CPU Cores:
Choosing this option limits the software to utilize half of the available CPU cores during video processing. It can be useful if you want to allocate some CPU resources to other tasks while still performing watermark removal.
7) Use Quarter of the CPU Cores:
This option restricts the software to utilize only a quarter of the available CPU cores. It can be helpful if you need to balance CPU resources between multiple applications or if you prefer to keep some cores available for other tasks.
Next another frame to brush on the text/watermark as the previous frame has no text/watermark
If a frame does not have a watermark/logos, but some frames in between have watermarks/logos, you can use the option 'Next another frame to brush on the text/watermark as the previous frame has no text/watermark' and apply brushing on it.
How to erase brush strokes?
Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI program provides options for erasing the brush strokes if the user intends to remove them for any reason. These options are 'Undo brush stroke only once' and 'Erase all the brush strokes'.
In case you made any mistake, and want to remove the last stroke alone, you can do this by the 'Undo brush stroke only once'. Similarly, you can all the brush strokes using 'Erase all the brush strokes' which will remove all the applied brush strokes on the Watermark/logo. The Screenshot below at the top indicates both the buttons for erasable of brush strokes.
Pause and Restart
The 'Pause' and 'Restart' buttons provide control and flexibility during the watermark/logo removal process. The 'Pause' button lets you temporarily halt the process, while the 'Restart' button allows you to begin the process again from where it is left. These options facilitate your need for a break, and also provide the ability to fine-tune your workflow and achieve the desired results in Pixbim Video Watermark Remover AI.
Stop Processing Video Option
You can also Stop the watermark removal processing using the 'Stop Processing Video' button from the bottom corner which is indicated in the below screenshot.
Download Icon/Output Video
The 'Download Icon' facilitates users in accessing the output of the removed watermark video from the location where they had previously saved it. This feature eases and reduces the user's search efforts, allowing them to quickly access the output. The path location where the video has been saved is displayed in the display box below the 'Download Icon'. In the below screenshot, The 'Download Icon' and the path for the output video has been indicated.
In this article, we have shared ways and features that will help you get the desired results you are looking for and polish your videos of TikTok even more with Pixbim Watermark remover AI software. You finally learned how to remove the watermark from the TikTok video using Pixbim Video Watermark Remover software. Now, Why to wait try out software and if it satisfied buy it.
Download the free trial version software for 7 days.
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